THE BAG is a High quality Leather Gig Bag family of products that are handmade in the USA with the finest craftsmanship with a beautiful, sophisticated and a very cool overall appearance. They are made of some of the finest quality leather and cushion available and meant to last a life time. Literally! We have over 30 years in the leather industry and are extremely proud to introduce a line of Gig Bags targeted to the skilled professional as well as the fun seeking novice.

The Bag Features: Top Grain Leather, Heavy Zipper, Upgraded Buckles & Buttons, Upgraded Upper Pocket, and Upgraded Lower Detachable Satchel, Special Designer Quality and Breathable Fabric Throughout, 10 inch Interior Leather Bridge and Headstock Protectors (inverted leather), (2) DeluXe Shoulder Strap Cushion with 2 strap system (Straps over both shoulders).

Our hope is that you will love The Bag as much as we do!